Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Missi Pyle in Peace Silk

"It is such an honor to be on a carpet that's all about glamour, and to have that glamour be sustainable," said Missi.

Winner of Academy Award for the Best Picture: the Artist, Missi Pyle wore a dress made completely out sustainable materials. Made out of peace silkorganic chiffon and lined with vintage lining, the tailor put in a "recycled zipper". The fabric was hand-dyed in an OSHA approved facility using only mineral dyes to achieve the pastel like aqueous shade.

What exactly is "peace silk" ? It is actually Cruelty-Free Silk which is produced from the process that allows the pupae to complete its entire life-cycle before being disturbed. The cocoons are unwound only after the silkworm has completely emerged. Usually, the pupa is killed inside the cocoon to prevent the breakage of the cocoon which leads to having multiple fibers. To have something this beautiful on Missi Pyle marks an extremely strong statement.

It advocated a very relevant message -
Sustainable does not mean Hideous!! It can be beautiful. We as consumers should question our buys. We have a right to think demand sustainability in our daily purchases. We can and should make this conscious choice.

The design was submitted by a Venezuelan born, Miami based designer Valentina Delfino, while the dress was made in Los Angeles by a haute couture tailor Santos. The beautiful dress won the Red Carpet Green Dress Contest which is an environmental awareness campaign and contest for eco-designers. It was started by Suzy Amis Cameron - wife of James Cameron

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